Cannabis Tinctures: What They Are and How to Use Them

Cannabis Tinctures: What They Are and How to Use Them

It’s no secret that there are many different ways to consume cannabis these days. From concentrates to candies to bath bombs, it seems like there’s always a newer, fancier way to enjoy the benefits. But did you know that one of the most comfortable and most effective methods of consuming cannabis is one that’s already been around for ages? Say hello to cannabis tinctures.

What is a Cannabis Tincture?

Cannabis tinctures are alcohol-based cannabis extracts. They are created by a simple process that involves absorbing cannabinoids and other plant medicines into high-proof alcohol and then straining out the plant material.

Cannabis Tinctures row of tinctures

These products come in dark-colored bottles to protect them from light and include a dropper to measure dosage. They’re a fantastic entry point for those who want to ease into smokeless consumption methods and a favorite among experienced cannabis consumers.

The History of Cannabis Tinctures

In modern times, we’ve come to rely on over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin and ibuprofen. But you might not have guessed that during the era before aspirin, tinctures were the primary form of pain relief. That all changed after cannabis prohibition, but during the early part of the twentieth century, you could find a cannabis tincture in the medicine cabinet of most homes.


Because they worked! Cannabis tinctures were listed for several indications including gout, alcoholism menstrual cramps, arthritis, tonsillitis, and more. They were also a super simple way to take medicine and had a long shelf life when stored properly. All of which is still true today.

Why Choose Tinctures Over Other Methods?

One of the biggest benefits of using tinctures is dosage control. They come with droppers that allow you to get precise dosing, so you always get the right amount of medicine. They also come in a range of cannabinoid ratios and strengths, so you can always find a tincture that can address your specific condition. Tinctures come in both THC dominant and CBD dominant varieties, so whether you want psychoactive or non-psychoactive effects, there’s a tincture for you.

Cannabis Tinctures dropper

Tincture bottles are small and very portable, so you can easily take them with you on the go (though you cannot take them out of state). The best part? Tinctures are totally smokeless, so you can discreetly use them where and when you need to. They’re also low in calories compared to edibles and take effect much faster.

How to Use Cannabis Tinctures

Tinctures are best taken orally. When used sublingually (under the tongue) the medicine is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, taking effect in a matter of minutes. Tinctures that are added to foods and beverages need to pass through the digestive system before they start to work. Like edibles, this method can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours before the effects are felt.

Cannabis Tinctures woman taking dropper

While both methods are a simple way to get beneficial cannabinoids, the sublingual method has higher bioavailability, meaning you absorb more into your bloodstream than when it passes through the digestive system.

As with any cannabis product, the best way to start is “low and slow.” An excellent way to begin is to simply put a single, 1 ml drop underneath your tongue and wait 15-30 minutes. Then asses how you feel and re-dose as needed until you reach your desired effects.

Final Thoughts

With fantastic bioavailability, quick absorption time, and gentle ease of use, tinctures are the way to go for many patients. They’re also the best choice for those who are sensitive to smoke or prone to nausea. While some cannabis fads might not have staying power, tinctures have been used for ages, and aren’t going away any time soon.

Are you interested in finding out more about cannabis tinctures? Come check out our wide selection and let our knowledgeable staff help you find a tincture that will work perfectly for you!

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