Harvest Homegrown Cannabis While Preserving Terpenes

Harvest Homegrown Cannabis While Preserving Terpenes

Harvest Homegrown Cannabis

How to Harvest Homegrown Cannabis While Preserving Terpenes: A Detailed Guide

Harvesting homegrown cannabis is an exciting milestone for any cultivator. After months of careful nurturing, your plants are finally ready to be harvested. However, to truly reap the benefits of your labor, it’s crucial to preserve the delicate terpenes that contribute to the unique aroma, flavor, and effects of your cannabis. This guide will walk you through the steps to ensure that your harvest is as terpene-rich as possible, along with some insider tips and reminders about the clones available at Haven for those eager to start their home grow journey.

Understanding Terpenes and Their Importance

Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in many plants, including cannabis. They play a significant role in the plant’s scent and flavor profile, as well as its therapeutic effects. Different strains have unique terpene profiles, making it essential to preserve these compounds during and after the harvest.

Terpenes are sensitive to environmental factors such as light, heat, and oxygen. Exposure to these elements can degrade terpenes, leading to a loss in potency and the overall quality of your cannabis. Therefore, the methods you use during harvesting, drying, and curing can greatly impact the preservation of these valuable compounds.

Step 1: Choosing the Right Time to Harvest

The timing of your harvest is critical. Harvest too early, and you may miss out on the full potency of your buds; harvest too late, and the terpenes may begin to degrade. The best time to harvest is when the trichomes, the tiny resin glands on the buds, are milky white with a slight amber tint. These trichomes are where most of the cannabinoids and terpenes are concentrated.

Using a magnifying glass or a jeweler’s loupe, closely inspect the trichomes. When around 70-80% of the trichomes have transitioned from clear to milky and some have turned amber, it’s time to harvest. This balance ensures that the cannabinoids and terpenes are at their peak.

Step 2: Preparing for Harvest

Before you begin harvesting, make sure your workspace is clean and well-organized. You’ll need sharp pruning shears, gloves, drying racks, and a well-ventilated area with controlled temperature and humidity.

To preserve terpenes, it’s crucial to maintain a cool environment during harvest. Aim for a room temperature between 60-70°F (15-21°C) and a humidity level of 45-55%. This helps to slow down the drying process, which is essential for maintaining terpene integrity.

Step 3: The Harvesting Process

Start by cutting down the main branches of the plant. Work carefully to minimize handling of the buds, as excessive touching can cause the trichomes to break off, leading to a loss of terpenes.

Once the branches are cut, you have two options: wet trimming or dry trimming. Wet trimming involves removing the fan leaves and sugar leaves immediately after cutting the branches. Dry trimming, on the other hand, is done after the initial drying phase.

For maximum terpene preservation, dry trimming is recommended. This method allows the leaves to protect the buds during drying, reducing terpene loss due to evaporation.

Step 4: The Drying Process

Drying is a critical step in preserving terpenes. Hang the branches upside down in a dark, well-ventilated room with a temperature of 60-70°F and a humidity level of 45-55%. It’s essential to avoid direct light, as it can degrade both cannabinoids and terpenes.

The drying process typically takes 7-10 days, but it’s important to monitor the environment closely. If the air is too dry, the buds will dry too quickly, leading to a harsh smoke and terpene loss. If the humidity is too high, mold can develop, ruining your harvest.

To check if your buds are dry, gently bend the stems. If they snap rather than bend, your buds are ready for the next step. At this point, you can begin dry trimming if you opted for that method.

Step 5: The Curing Process

Curing is the final and perhaps most important step in preserving terpenes. After drying, place the trimmed buds in airtight glass jars. Avoid plastic containers, as they can affect the flavor and quality of your cannabis.

Store the jars in a cool, dark place with a stable temperature of around 60-65°F (15-18°C). During the first two weeks, open the jars (a process known as “burping”) once or twice a day for about 10-15 minutes. This allows excess moisture to escape and fresh air to circulate, preventing mold and mildew while maintaining the ideal humidity level inside the jars.

The curing process can take anywhere from two weeks to a few months. The longer you cure, the more the flavors and effects will develop, but it’s important to strike a balance. Over-curing can lead to a loss of terpenes, so keep an eye on the aroma and potency as you cure.

Curing cannabis is a crucial step in the post-harvest process that significantly impacts the flavor, aroma, potency, and overall quality of your buds. Proper curing not only enhances the smoking experience but also helps preserve the terpenes and cannabinoids that contribute to the effects and benefits of your cannabis. Here are some detailed tips on curing to help you get the best results:

1. Select the Right Containers

  • Use Glass Jars: Glass jars are the best option for curing cannabis. They are airtight, which helps maintain the right humidity levels and protects the buds from external contaminants. Mason jars or other similar glass containers with tight-fitting lids are ideal.

  • Avoid Plastic: Plastic containers can impart unwanted flavors and are more prone to static, which can attract and damage trichomes. Also, plastic isn’t as effective as glass in creating an airtight seal.

2. Ensure Proper Dryness Before Curing

  • Check for Snap: Before you begin curing, make sure your buds are sufficiently dried. The stems should snap rather than bend when you apply pressure. If they bend, it indicates that the buds still contain too much moisture and need more drying time.

  • Avoid Over-Drying: While it’s important to dry the buds properly, over-drying can lead to the loss of terpenes and a harsh smoke. Aim for a balance where the buds are dry to the touch but still slightly spongy when gently squeezed.

3. Fill Jars Correctly

  • Avoid Overpacking: When placing the buds in jars, fill them about 75-80% full. This allows enough room for air circulation, which is essential for an even cure. Overpacking can cause buds to become compacted and may promote mold growth.

  • Leave Room for Air: The air inside the jar helps with the curing process by allowing moisture to escape from the buds and be reabsorbed evenly throughout the curing period.

4. Control Humidity and Temperature

  • Ideal Humidity Levels: The optimal relative humidity (RH) for curing cannabis is between 58-62%. Humidity levels within this range allow the buds to retain their moisture content without becoming too dry or too moist, which could lead to mold.

  • Use Humidity Packs: Boveda or similar humidity control packs are excellent for maintaining a consistent RH inside your jars. They can help you achieve and maintain the ideal humidity level, making the curing process more manageable.

  • Temperature Control: Keep the jars in a cool, dark place where the temperature is consistently between 60-70°F (15-21°C). Higher temperatures can degrade terpenes and cannabinoids, while lower temperatures can slow down the curing process.


5. “Burp” the Jars Regularly

  • Frequency: During the first week of curing, you should “burp” the jars once or twice a day. This involves opening the jars for about 10-15 minutes to allow fresh air to enter and excess moisture to escape. This process helps to prevent mold and ensures that the buds cure evenly.

  • Reduce Frequency Over Time: After the first week, you can reduce the burping frequency to once every two or three days for the next two weeks. After the third week, you may only need to burp the jars once a week.

6. Monitor and Adjust

  • Check for Moisture: Pay close attention to the moisture levels in your jars. If the buds feel too wet or you notice condensation inside the jar, leave the lid off for a few hours to allow excess moisture to evaporate. On the other hand, if the buds feel too dry, you can reintroduce some humidity by adding a small humidity pack or a tiny piece of orange peel (though this should be done with caution to avoid over-humidifying).

  • Smell Test: The aroma of your buds should improve over time. If you notice any musty or unpleasant smells, it could indicate mold or improper curing conditions. In such cases, it’s important to inspect the buds closely and adjust the curing process accordingly.

7. Be Patient

  • Minimum Cure Time: While some cannabis can be enjoyed after a two-week cure, most cultivators find that a longer cure of at least four weeks yields a more flavorful and smooth smoke.

  • Extended Curing: Some enthusiasts cure their cannabis for several months, which can lead to even richer flavors and effects. However, the law of diminishing returns applies here; after a certain point, the benefits of extended curing will plateau.

8. Long-Term Storage

  • After Curing: Once your cannabis has cured for the desired period, you can store it for longer-term use. Keep the jars in a cool, dark place to preserve the quality of your buds. Vacuum-sealing jars or using jars with built-in hygrometers can help maintain optimal conditions during storage.

  • Avoid Light Exposure: Light can degrade cannabinoids and terpenes over time, so always store your cured cannabis in a dark place.

Additional Tips for Terpene Preservation

  • Use Boveda Packs: These humidity control packs can help maintain the ideal moisture level in your jars during curing, further protecting your terpenes.
  • Handle with Care: Always handle your buds with gloves to avoid transferring oils from your skin, which can degrade the terpenes.
  • Avoid Over-Drying: If the buds become too dry, rehydrate them carefully using a small piece of orange peel or a humidifying pack.

Starting Your Home Grow? Visit Haven for Quality Clones!

If you’re just getting started on your home growing journey, Haven has a variety of high-quality cannabis clones available. These clones are perfect for those who want to grow their own plants and ensure a consistent, high-quality harvest. By starting with a strong genetic foundation, you’ll be well on your way to producing terpene-rich, flavorful buds.